Remember Shopping Without a Mask?

I originally drafted today's post a lifetime ago when I was uber-prego with Sadie and the world was still "normal." I remember having such bad morning sickness sorting through all of these grocery store photos, I couldn't bring myself to press publish so I hit 'archive.'

Thankful to have rediscovered these shots this week because they have so much more meaning now. Naiya and I took these photos for a branded shoot and today, I'm finding comfort in seeing a snapshot of what life was like before COVID-19.

Remember grocery shopping without a mask or without waiting in line six feet apart to get in?!

Sharing these photos with you today as well as a family update. Spoiler alert: COVID-19 has really hit home for our family and life over the past few weeks has been a lot.

Grocery Shopping (And Life) Now Vs. Then

In looking at these photos from an ordinary day out grocery shopping with Naiya, I feel like I'm peering into a completely different world. Moreover, I find myself CRAVING this other world big time. It breaks my heart to know that Sadie has barely ever known our old "normal." It's hard to believe she's now been in quarantine for more than half of her life!

COVID-19 and everything that has come along with it wasn't even a glimmer in our minds when we took these photos. In fact, we were blissfully unaware of what was to come.

Now that we're living in this new uncertain normal, I'm realizing I have reverse culture shock in looking at these photos. It feels weird not seeing us wearing masks out in public! Also, my hair was actually done and I was wearing lipstick out of the house so that's a bit of extra culture shock for me too (thank you for all of my loungewear on repeat, 2020!).

When COVID-19 Hits Home

Truthfully, I've been having a tough time posting light and fluffy content throughout this quarantine period of time because life for so many of us has been far from it. The past few weeks have been especially tough on my end.

I've been trying to stay positive and see the light at the end of this COVID-19 tunnel but in addition to burning the candle at both ends with working full-time from home and mom-ing so far away from family, the Pandemic has also now hit VERY close to home.

I'll share more about this story over the next few weeks as it continues to unfold but let's just say it's been A LOT.Along these same lines, I'm currently trying to figure out how to fly back east in the middle of all of this craziness with Naiya and Sadie to be with family.

I have SO much anxiety about it. Is there anyway to keep them safe enough on the plane that will allow me to bring them? In what world will a three year old keep a mask on for the duration of a cross-country flight? SO many things to think about!

Have You Taken a Flight During 2020?

If you've flown with kids during this social distancing time, please tell me all the things in the comment section below. I'd love to hear about your experience and any tips or tricks you may have learned along the way.

Sending positive thoughts to everyone out there who is going through such a tough season of time too. I'm still hopeful we will have a vaccine at some point in the near future and that we'll all be able to find a new normal again after all of this crazy, scary uncertainty.

Photography: Forrest Leo


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