How Plated Rescued The Worst Cook

Worst cook in America right there on the left. Thankfully, there’s still hope for the cutie on the right! There are so many things I’m passionate about but for those who know me best, cooking has never been one of them.

But this week, I experienced a total game-changer: Plated. It's a service that delivers meals right to your door—with recipes and fresh ingredients ready to cook in one perfectly customized box. Excited to share a bit about my Plated experience with you today and how it turned me into a pseudo-chef who could cook edible food for once!

Cooking In Our House

Phil is definitely the main cook in our family. That said, we eat so differently, we rarely make meals for both of us at once.  He's a big-time carnivore and I'm a gluten-free vegetarian who doesn't eat dairy. #Oppositesattract.

To make matters even more difficult in terms of cooking as a family, I don't usually get home from work until after 7 pm. The last thing I want to do at that time is preparing a full meal (nor am I a good enough cook to whip something up that quickly).

Prior to Naiya, we used to order in a lot or I'd make myself one of three meals: quinoa salad, greek salad, or salmon. They may or may not have been edible. Since I know Naiya certainly can't live off of these and Phil would never in a million years want to, we knew we had to come up with an alternative stat.

Enter Plated — aka our new holy grail (and me in my bathrobe because on this particular day, I didn't get dressed until around 1 pm. #momlife).

My Plated Experience

Plated is extremely easy to use--you simply order the meals for the week that most appeal to you online. You can even choose options that are carnivore-central or gluten-free/vegetarian if you're anything like us. The box ships directly to your door quickly and it comes complete with easy-to-follow recipes and all the ingredients you will need. No need to go out to the store to buy anything extra.

After seeing all of the ingredients from my first recipe out in front of me, I must admit I felt a bit overwhelmed. But thankfully, I had a friend over for moral support and the recipes ended up being so easy to follow that even I could do it.

In the end, I made one of my first edible meals for our family and a couple of friends. Everyone was shocked by how delish the meal turned out and for just a few moments, I felt like a bonafide chef.

What's Your Relationship With Cooking?

Are you the main cook in your household? Would you rather order in than cook? Do you feel intimidated by cooking or do you love it?

I'd love for you to leave a comment below answering these questions and then teach me all the cooking things you know because mama needs big-time help in the kitchen.

Thanks so much for stopping by!

XO, Arielle

Photography: Forrest Leo


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